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Sod Installation

Hanley Landscaping Services provides sod delivery and installation in Newport, RI and surrounding towns including Middletown, Portsmouth, Bristol, Narragansett, and Jamestown. Hanley's Landscaping can deliver and install to both residential and commercial properties. 


Hanley also offers excavation, leveling, and fertilizer for your new sod.

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HANLEY'S (450 x 500 px) (450 x 450 px) (7)_edited.png

How does it work?

Washington Street, Newport RI

Hanley will discuss with you what is needed before installing the sod. Typically, old grass and poor-quality soil is excavated and removed. Once excavation is complete, Hanley's Landscaping will level the ground and begin installing your sod. 

Gilroy Street, Newport RI

What type of care should I expect with my new sod? 

Watering your new sod is imperative. During the first two weeks your new sod should be moist throughout the day. When walking on your new sod, your feet should squish and slosh. Once the first two weeks have past, you should realistically continue to keep the grass moist when possible- especially on hot days. After the first growing season, a standard watering schedule can be applied. 


Clients should avoid walking on their new sod as much as possible. We will not mow your sod for at least two weeks. After the first two weeks we use extreme care when cutting. After the first month we use a specialized fertilizer treatment. Once the initial fertilizer has been treated a standard fertilizer schedule will be made.

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Kay Street, Newport RI

Sod Delivery & Installation

We'll help you find the right sod type from our variety of turf.

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